About this workshop

This course will help you get a better understanding of concepts, tools, and workflows that extend beyond the scope of the PIX4Dmapper Essentials course. A series of hands-on exercises and lectures will demonstrate how to achieve the best results by deviating from one of the most common image processing workflows.

    • Date and time
    • Tuesday, June 13, 2023, 9:00 -17:30 (CEST/UTC +2)
    • Wednesday, June 14, 2022, 9:00 -17:30 (CEST/UTC +2)

    • Attendance on all two days is required.

    • Location: MEETING PLACE Orense 34
      Calle de Orense 34, Planta baja, 28020 Madrid, Spain

    • Operating system: Windows

    • Software products: PIX4Dmapper


  • How to manage processing options.
  • How to capture and create a more comprehensive reconstruction with an RGB camera in your hand.
  • How to create an accurate digital terrain model.
  • How to capture and create reconstructions with thermal and multispectral images.


  • Lecture
  • Introduction to PIX4Dmapper In-depth
  • Introduction to processing options in PIX4Dmapper
  • Introduction to processing options in PIX4Dmapper: 1. Initial processing, General tab
  • Introduction to processing options in PIX4Dmapper: 1. Initial processing, Matching tab
  • Introduction to processing options in PIX4Dmapper: 2. Point Cloud and Mesh, Point Cloud tab
  • Introduction to processing options in PIX4Dmapper: 2. Point Cloud and Mesh, 3D Textured Mesh tab
  • Introduction to processing options in PIX4Dmapper: 3. DSM, Orthomosaic and Index, DSM and Orthomosaic tab
  • Introduction to processing options in PIX4Dmapper: 3. DSM, Orthomosaic and Index, Additional Outputs tab
  • Introduction to capturing RGB images by hand
  • Introduction to capturing thermal images with an aerial platform
  • Introduction to capturing multispectral images with an aerial platform for PIX4Dmapper
  • Introduction to environmental considerations when capturing images to reconstruct vegetation with PIX4Dmapper
  • Introduction to processing options in PIX4Dmapper: 3. DSM, Orthomosaic and Index, Index Calculator tab

  • Practical exercises
  • Launch and activate PIX4Dmapper
  • Open a project with PIX4Dmapper
  • Create a project with a video
  • Add a custom camera model to your camera model database
  • Merge two projects with manual tie points (MTPs)
  • Add scale and orientation constraints
  • Add a processing area in the rayCloud
  • Carve images to remove noise in a dense point cloud
  • Create a video animation
  • Classify a dense point cloud with the point cloud editing tool in PIX4Dmapper
  • Add a surface to improve a 3D textured mesh or digital surface model (DSM)
  • Measure a volume
  • Generate a digital terrain model (DTM)
  • Generate contour lines
  • Create a prescription


Training and Customer Success Team Lead

Rhéa Garratt

Rhéa has hosted numerous public and private classes around the world on behalf of Pix4D. In addition to her experience educating customers about best practices, she has extensive experience providing technical support in a multiple languages (EN, ES, FR, DE) and for a wide range of applications. Her knowledge has empowered her to provide you with recommendations that take real-world limitations into account.

User testimonials

Alex Griffin, Tulsa Land Surveying LLC

"I loved how everything was explained so clearly. The instructor was very patient and allowed everyone to feel welcome asking questions. He was very knowledgeable and that made me feel very confident I was going to learn what I needed to in order to succeed."

Stacey Solomon, Frontier Farming Systems

"I found all sections from the workbook to verbal communication, exercises, quizzes, interactions - all tied in nicely to present a well-rounded learning experience with a solid sense of flow."


  • How can I contact the workshop organizer if I have other questions?

    Send us an email to [email protected], and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

  • How can I ensure that my system is compatible with the software and training platform?

    Please ensure that you check the computer requirements and test your audio and video before the class starts.

  • Do I need a PIX4Dmapper license to attend the workshop?

    It is not necessary that you own a PIX4Dmapper license to attend the workshop. If you do not own a license, you will be provided with a temporary one for the duration of the workshop.

  • Are there any discounts available?

    Discounts are available for educational institutions. Early bird pricing is available until one month before select workshops. Please contact the Pix4D training team to request a coupon code.

  • Refund policy

    Orders may not be changed, modified, converted, or refunded once an order has been confirmed.

Do you have any further questions?

Contact us

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